I was in some random remote village near Dharmapuri , and it was such a thrill just exploring the terrain.
The Journey:
i wanted to dive into the early morning chillness.yet after a quick breakfast I managed to be on my way by 8.30 am.
I wanted to test my new bike ,so decided on a longer drive (100+ km ).
Driving on the Electronic City Flyover towards Hosur , i stepped on the accelerator and withing no time I was driving at 105 km/hr , and yet didn't felt the speed ;).
Passing through the lush country side , tiredness blew away with the breeze and sights.
Occasionally I stopped by to hear the songs of Nature , the chirubs of birds and the whispers of breeze ,rustling the leaves.As the trees swayed,I felt fresh breath of air in my lungs ...ahaaa ...isnt this fulfilling ;)
At about 11.30 am i reached Dhramapuri .the beauty of the place always amazed me
Now was the time for some explorations ;)
As I rod along ,I randomly selected a road which seem to vanish between the bellies of hills.
As i followed the road ,which meandered through the hills and through the fields I felt lost in paradise ;) ....i was in a place which seemed untouched bu URBAN civilization ;) with no shortage of faith ;)
As i rod along i seems to approach dead end but always found another road pushing through the hills like a snake.
The view was very surreal and serene
The Climb
I reach a dead end and only way i could move ahead was on my foot ;) so i looked for some shade to park my bike ;)
It was 1.00 pm and I was beginning to feel the sun on my head .As the breeze died down I felt the heat from the sun beating down.I was desperately looking for a shade..Although ,surrounded by hills ,I couldnt get any respite form the heat.The hill were covered with sheets of shrubs and thorns ,not big trees for the shade.
I decided ot climb up this hill and explore a bit ;).As I started my ascend , I just couldn't find any shade .i cannot get lost here ..i thought ;)
As I reached the top of the hill I found the surrounding hills dancing to the tunes of many birds.Small and big ,the birds all seem to break into a melodious rhythm ;)As it was becoming hotter , the air became thinner ,giving the impression of dancing hills ;) .I looked around ,couldn't find a single soul .
Then i saw a heard of goats climbing the hill .I realized that there was a small village on the other side of the hill.
Should i explore it ...As the mercury was rising I decided aginst such adventure....Time to head back my friend ..there z always a NEXT TIME ..;) I said to my self ....
Much to my relief my bike was still in good stead ,being in an open space under wheltering sun , i was expecting otherwise.
A few sip of water and I was on my way back......the calm stillness of the place came over me and for a moment I experienced an absolute silence ...absolute peace .....I felt what a child feels when it rests on the lap of its mother ...protected secure and carefree .....
As I approached Bangalore the terrain changed for green lush open lands to dusty noisy overcrowded concrete landscape ...
Beings here seemed to be in a different world ;) than from where I had traveled .......there is so much to have ,yet so less to enjoy ;))