Sunday, October 31, 2010

Skandagiri Night Trek

It is written in the bible that after all the beauty and magnificence of Nature that God created ..he created human as his last creation to
value the beauty of nature.Animals ,plants insect cant value or enjoy the beauty ....God gave this ability to Humans only .........but yet ........!!!!

This weekend Vineeth visited Banglaore and as always the adventurer that he is we decided to go for a night trek to Skandagiri.
And that too this time we decided to go on Activa ...our official bike.We started at around 7.30 PM as we weren't sure if we would be given the permission for the
night trek by the forest dept at Papagni Matt.

It was an amazing and fantastic journey .The NH7 roads were wide and smooth and We drove at the speed of over 80 km/hr most of the times, taking turn for driving.
We reached chikballarpur by 10.00 pm.we were told that a guide is compulsory and we haggled for a guide finally settling for Rs 400 for 1 way.
And were also told that there was an UNDERSTANDING between forest officials and the guide and that we need not take permission for the trek

We had a quick dinner and by 10.30 pm we started our trek.With our flash lights on and the guide leading the way thru the hills it was amazing and fantastic journey.

In between we came across group of howling creatures ;-)
err sorry howling drunken people who lost there way in the darkness.Avoiding them we continued out way up

We reached the top at 12.15 am.It was quiet dark and cold.There was a small shiva temple.With no priest around the temple it was quiet dark inside the temple and we decided to stay outside .We rested on the boulders near the temple occasionally going to sleep form some time.

The view of the town was amazing from the top.It looked as if the diamonds were scattered in darkness.

There were few tents on the top selling Tea,Maggie and firewood.At 2.00 am we were feeling hungry and decided to have Maggie.

Having hot hot Maggie in the cold ,we played some songs form our mobile ;-) .With not many people around we felt as if we were in a dream ....

At 3.30 am there was a huge rush of people.several group of 10-15 people started reaching the top.Gradually the silence and peace that had enveloped the place
made way fro more ruckus and chaos.The serene mountain top slowly started resembling a chaotic fish market.

It started drizzling and we decided to take shelter int eh temple.What followed sank my heart and strengthen my belief that humans dint deserve to enjoy beauty of nature.As we entered the temple , we had to make way thru all the empty bottles of beers and whiskey.Inside the temple the scene was even more chaotic.Some moron had vomited on the temple floor,while 3-4 people where sleeping beside that.In the chaos I heard a waning voice resembling a small puppy.I opened my flash light , and saw 3-4 poppies huddled among themselves but the drunken guys inadvertently managed to stamp some of the puppies,who started waning in pain.Vineeth couldn't take it and we decide to better get drenched in rain outside than be a witness to absolute nonsense of humans.

By 5.00 am the rush was so bad that I ,in particular lost patience and decided sunrise or no sun rise I am leaving the hill.I lost my patience to see the sun rise and we decided to make our way back
down the hill.

This was the toughest and the most dangerous part of the trek.

As it was drizzling and as the light was less we often skidded dangerously on the rock and narrow we moved down we saw more group going up.

Luckily it was 5.45am and the darkness was beginning to give way.

We were amazed as to how high we had climbed in the darkness of night without realizing it.

Making our way thru the slippery rocks and mazes of shrubs we reached the bottom of the hill.Our clothes were all messed up and my white shoes now had become brown.

The track pants was all covered with mud and it was as if we had come from a swamp safari ;-) .

We were tired to our bones but both of us were more than willing to take turns to ride back as the route was awesome.We reached the base by 7.00 am and by 8.30 am we were back in Bangalore in our rooms.

Looking back except the part when the hill to[p was swarming with humans it was a gr8 journey .The next time some body wants to plan a trip to this place pickup a week day for it rather than the weekend .You could beat the rush and chaos .

Slide show of the trip

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